Monday, October 10, 2011

How Glenn Beck Sees The World

"I went to the movie this weekend with a gun."-Glenn Beck

I saw today that expert fact-maker-upper and victim pretender-to-be-er Glenn Beck compared the #occupywallstreet movement to the Night of Long Knives, effectively reducing the population of Earth that he doesn't secretly believe to be Hitler to 8 people.

Seriously, though. What does Glenn Beck do? What purpose does he serve? Fuck, what's his job description? Alarmist? Encrazyifier? As near as I can tell he gets huge Huge HUGE ratings by taking what dumbfucks, bigots and religious nuts already believe to be true, dressing it in fancy language and selling it back to them as 'news.'

Occupy Wall Street, as I've already said, is a highly orchestrated, secretive plan masterminded by a power-mad leader to have his personal army perform key political assassinations against leaders of a giant paramilitary unit that stands as the only obstacle between himself and a campaign of blood, genocide and torture that would become synonymous with absolute evil until the end of human civilization.

Leaving aside the inconvenient fact that everything in that last paragraph is provably and retardedly wrong, let's take a look at the mind that would make such heated claims, and what kind of worldview would cause someone to make claims like this on an almost daily basis with my old friend Microsoft Paint. That last sentence is not an endorsement for Paint. I just don't feel like installing another drawing program given that I draw like an eight year old with no hands.

 The black lines in those aren't partitions. They represent the threads of anti-white, anti-christian oppression Beck thinks dominates this country, keeping the poor rich white people down. Also Socialism.